How to get started online part 2: hospitality

Building and maintaining your own online ordering platform can be expensive and time consuming, but there are times it makes sense. In part 2 of our series we look at the choices for hospitality businesses who want to take online orders. All about the taste If you have a restaurant, a cafe, a pub or …

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How to get started online part 1: retail

Building and maintaining your own online ordering platform can be expensive and time consuming, but there are times it makes sense. So you want to trade online? These days, customer expect to be able to order online. The big players have set expectations with customers that they should be able to order pretty much anything …

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The one metric you should be monitoring but probably aren’t

Volume is great, but if it’s not profitable it’s not working… Surely getting more customers can’t be bad?! We all know that if you don’t have enough customers, you don’t have a viable business. In the past, any source of customers was worthwhile. But as digital routes to market have emerged, often charging very high …

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Lowering the barriers to local

Loql is here to level the playing field for small and independent businesses… What’s the problem? Most digital solutions are focused on medium-sized businesses, with strong digital skills, often located in cities. By contrast, the high street is mostly made up of small and independent restaurants and shops, focused on running their business not looking …

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